From Hoods To Backwoods

Episode 2 - Hall of Gamers - From Hoods to Backwoods Podcast

May 23, 2024 D Vaz - Tex LaFon
Episode 2 - Hall of Gamers - From Hoods to Backwoods Podcast
From Hoods To Backwoods
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From Hoods To Backwoods
Episode 2 - Hall of Gamers - From Hoods to Backwoods Podcast
May 23, 2024
D Vaz - Tex LaFon

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Do you remember the pure joy of blowing into a cartridge and firing up your favorite video game on a lazy Saturday morning? That's right, Tex and I are back, this time journeying through the pixelated landscapes of our childhoods, reveling in the glory days of gaming. We're not just talking about nostalgia here; we're discussing how the warm, analog memories of classic consoles like the NES and the charm of characters that have become cultural icons have shaped the way we see and play games today. From frying eggs on Arizona sidewalks to the economic impacts on our gaming habits, we cover it all, including the infamous E.T. game debacle and the saga of our evolving console loyalties.

As Tex reminisces about the magic of unwrapping a Nintendo and diving into Super Mario Brothers, I'm right there, painting the picture of the early gaming accessories that made us feel like we were touching the future—one Power Glove at a time. The saga continues as we reflect on the technological missteps like Sega CD and the unique way our friends' gaming libraries swayed our console choices back in the day. Fast forward to the present, and we're exploring our current preferences within the Xbox ecosystem and the PS5's innovations, all the while nodding to the quirks and qualities that have endured over the years.

But what about today's gaming trends, you ask? Well, Tex and I don't hold back on our critiques of the frustrating limitations of non-transferable in-game purchases and the burgeoning culture of microtransactions. We wax poetic about the simplicity of old-school baseball video games, compare the cartoony racing fun of Mario Kart to the more serious racers of today, and even admit to our waning interest in the Grand Theft Auto series. Every chapter of this podcast is a level up in the game of life, with us as your trusty sidekicks. So ready your earbuds and power up your nostalgia; we're about to press 'start' on a gaming conversation that spans from joystick jolts to modern masterpieces.

Check out full VIDEO episodes on YouTube with bonus content. Search for #FHTBPodcast. You can also find us sharing videos on Facebook and TikTok.

Search for us on TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube using #FHTB or #FHTBPodcast.

Full video episodes are available on YouTube with visual bonus content.

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Do you remember the pure joy of blowing into a cartridge and firing up your favorite video game on a lazy Saturday morning? That's right, Tex and I are back, this time journeying through the pixelated landscapes of our childhoods, reveling in the glory days of gaming. We're not just talking about nostalgia here; we're discussing how the warm, analog memories of classic consoles like the NES and the charm of characters that have become cultural icons have shaped the way we see and play games today. From frying eggs on Arizona sidewalks to the economic impacts on our gaming habits, we cover it all, including the infamous E.T. game debacle and the saga of our evolving console loyalties.

As Tex reminisces about the magic of unwrapping a Nintendo and diving into Super Mario Brothers, I'm right there, painting the picture of the early gaming accessories that made us feel like we were touching the future—one Power Glove at a time. The saga continues as we reflect on the technological missteps like Sega CD and the unique way our friends' gaming libraries swayed our console choices back in the day. Fast forward to the present, and we're exploring our current preferences within the Xbox ecosystem and the PS5's innovations, all the while nodding to the quirks and qualities that have endured over the years.

But what about today's gaming trends, you ask? Well, Tex and I don't hold back on our critiques of the frustrating limitations of non-transferable in-game purchases and the burgeoning culture of microtransactions. We wax poetic about the simplicity of old-school baseball video games, compare the cartoony racing fun of Mario Kart to the more serious racers of today, and even admit to our waning interest in the Grand Theft Auto series. Every chapter of this podcast is a level up in the game of life, with us as your trusty sidekicks. So ready your earbuds and power up your nostalgia; we're about to press 'start' on a gaming conversation that spans from joystick jolts to modern masterpieces.

Check out full VIDEO episodes on YouTube with bonus content. Search for #FHTBPodcast. You can also find us sharing videos on Facebook and TikTok.

Search for us on TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube using #FHTB or #FHTBPodcast.

Full video episodes are available on YouTube with visual bonus content.

D Vaz:

Welcome back for episode two. And somehow you either accidentally did this or, if it's intentional, we thank you. But either way, you're here. From the Hoods to Backwoods podcast. Welcome to the show. So I got Tex over here with me, and how? You doing Tex.

Tex LaFon:

I'm doing good D how you doing.

D Vaz:

Doing all right. Just, you know, out here in Arizona we're getting a little bit warmer weather, so it's not looking forward to the 300 and something dollar AC bills that will probably be coming here pretty soon. But other than that things are going pretty well.

Tex LaFon:

But you can cook outside though, right?

D Vaz:

Yeah, yeah, definitely we have to hit up the grill, or something like that.

Tex LaFon:

I was talking about it's so hot. You can just put a pan out there and cook up the grill, or something like that.

D Vaz:

I'll talk about it so high you can just put a pan out there and cook. We actually did that back in grade school. Um, we made a solar oven and we put a turkey in it and it actually got cooked all the way through not quite.

D Vaz:

Yeah, the the um science teacher was the one that was doing the experiment and they end up finishing in the oven because they're like, yeah, I'm not gonna serve this to kids because they're like, oh, we want to eat it, you know so and then everybody's like, yeah, we're not gonna serve kids, but you. You can cook other things on the sidewalk and stuff like that, like people have done, if you want to waste food, which I I wouldn't condone, but hey now with inflation what's that?

Tex LaFon:

so now, with inflation, right now, you don't want to be wasting no food yeah, yeah, no thanks, so anyway.

D Vaz:

So that that's what's going on out here, with your, your quick weather report. Uh, today, though, we're going to be talking about gaming, video games. Uh, being that we've been playing for a long time, we've definitely seen some changes, and we started out when gaming was still kind of a new young thing, like we used to be.

Tex LaFon:

I don't know who you're talking about. I'm still young, son.

D Vaz:

Yes, you are.

Tex LaFon:

I drink Red Bull, so I'm still young.

D Vaz:

Okay, I was going to say say you're probably about 75 red bull at this point keeps you energized, true? So, um, I mean again, we we've been playing games for a long time, so where did you kind of start as far as, like the, the first game, that that got you into gaming, that you can remember well, I remember this was probably back in 1987.

Tex LaFon:

I was seven years old and, uh, my grandma, she got me a nintendo for christmas and I was so excited and, of course, original super mario brothers, that's what it was. That's what got me hooked, the very first video game I ever played in my life. And I non-stop just trying to beat all levels. If I wouldn't known all the tricks back in the day where I could warp all the way to level eight and take out bowser right off the bat, that would have been dope. But no, you know. And also, what's crazy back then is you know how it's a side scroll, so you know, is you know the screen catches up to you die. So that's what's so crazy about the games back then, you know. But it was always. Uh, super mario brothers was the very first game that I ever played and that got me hooked right off the bat. What about you d?

D Vaz:

uh, it was kind of a weird combination of two different games. Actually, the first one I can remember playing. I went to go visit a family in ohio and and my cousin had more money than we did so they had a computer way back then, which was pretty rare back in the 80s. So I was probably I was about four years old and they introduced me some games on the computer. I was like, okay, this is fun.

D Vaz:

But as far as what I actually got and started playing was an Atari, and I remember having the ET game, the one that is kind of famous for being a huge bust in the in the video game world because it came out and just give people a quick history on it. So the ET game got released to go along with the ET movie and they actually had a glitch in the game, so the game was pretty useless. So, you know, to go along with the ET movie and they actually had a glitch in the game, so the game was pretty useless. So, and you know, back then you had to just buy the cartridge so you had the game itself. You couldn't do updates and downloads and stuff like that. So anyway, I actually had that game and I didn't know. I was really young at the the time, so I had no clue that it was a broken game. So I just kept trying to play it and I kept getting stuck and anyway that, and I would play like Indiana Jones that they had on the, on the Atari.

D Vaz:

So Atari was actually my first console and that's kind of what got me hooked into gaming oh, okay, you know that that was the beginning of it, but of course you and I both had a lot of different consoles over the years. So what consoles have you had since the beginning?

Tex LaFon:

Well, I just want to touch back on. But the game that got me the most hooked, besides Mario Brothers because that was the only game that was out at the time was Contra. And then after Contra it was game over, because then everybody was hooked and everybody remembers the original Contra because that game was legit. But the consoles I've had are we talking about, my whole entire life.

D Vaz:

Yeah, and real quick on Contra 2,. Do you remember the code at all?

Tex LaFon:

Of course. Would you like me to tell you the code, son, yeah, yeah go for it.

D Vaz:

Okay, show off that knowledge all right.

Tex LaFon:

All right, let's see uh up down, up down, left right, left right ba start nice is that right? I'm pretty sure that's right we'll have I.

D Vaz:

I think that's right, but uh, I'm sure we're gonna have fact checkers either way that's right, and when I go back and and re-watch this, we'll see but all right, so all right.

Tex LaFon:

So I had the original nes, which I still have, um, then I had the super nes, then I had the sega, then the sega cd, then I had n64, then I had PlayStation, playstation 2, playstation 3, xbox and then Xbox 1 and then PlayStation 5, and then PS4, and then PS5 and then the Xbox X and Xbox S.

Tex LaFon:

The only thing I didn't have was atari, basically yeah, and a lot of people probably don't even know what sega cd is, but that was the supposed to be the next gen that failed miserably after like three games right, yeah, no, I I have no idea, because I was so young, where that atari came from.

D Vaz:

I just know, um, somehow my dad got one for me and uh, but yeah, after the atari it was definitely nintendo and I even had the power pad.

Tex LaFon:

I don't know if you remember that at all. Did you have the glove? Running game did you have the glove, the power glove I.

D Vaz:

Power glove. Actually I got it and then it was terrible, so I returned it and I got a whole bunch of GI Joes and other stuff.

Tex LaFon:

It was garbage.

D Vaz:

Yeah, yeah, because I just remember sitting there trying to play Mike Tyson's Punch-Out and it had the weird controls where you would move your fingers. If you're not familiar with the power glove, it's something that nintendo released um, and it was basically a game controller glove thing that that goes on your hand you can just play different games. But yeah, it was something weird, like when you move your thumb it would be b and you move your index fingers a or whatever. It just was terrible and it didn't work right. So, yeah, I I had one, but I returned it and got some toys and stuff like that. But yeah, so I went from Atari Nintendo. After that I went the Sega Master System route and after the Sega Master System I had Genesis and then I didn't do See, that's the thing I didn't do Super Nintendo, because my best friend at the time had a Super Nintendo.

Tex LaFon:

So he had that covered.

D Vaz:

I had the Genesis covered. So we're like alright, we're good, you come to my house and we play, and I'll go to your house and play Whatever. So that was all covered. After that, ps1, ps2, you know whatever. So that was all covered, uh. After that, uh, ps1, ps2, dreamcast uh, try to go back to sega. Uh, dreamcast is actually pretty fun. That's the funny thing about that too is actually that sort of got my dad into video games for a little while because they had some racing games so my dad actually had the dreamcast yeah, I forgot about the dream.

D Vaz:

I forgot about the dreamcast yeah, yeah, so had that, let's see dreamcast. Then, um, xbox 360 I got. I didn't get the original xbox, and then, uh, xbox s is what I have now, and then then also Nintendo switch, because I have kids. So that's the only other thing that I've gotten from Nintendo.

Tex LaFon:

And, uh, one thing I never understood is when they made the I mean, I did have the Wii, but then when they made the HD, which I didn't understand that, and then they went to the Switch. But the Switch is all right, I like the Switch, but, like I said, I didn't understand the whole concept of the HD that they made. I think they were just trying to finally make a system that could play high definition gaming, since all the other ones could already do it and the Wii couldn't do it, you know.

D Vaz:

Yeah, that's the weird thing about it.

Tex LaFon:

didn't make any sense to me on the Nintendo that they didn't uh try to go on with that when they made the Wii yeah, nintendo's always been behind when it comes to graphics and stuff like.

D Vaz:

That's the weird thing about them. They have some interesting accessories that they, they try to do. But yeah, graphics is like, yeah, kids are playing, we don't care, you know, as long as they're having fun, which is it's okay too, because their games typically are, are pretty fun. But uh, yeah, I've kind of got stuck in the, uh, microsoft xbox world, uh, for the last few years or past decade. I guess I appreciate PlayStation and the games and I would like to have one of those consoles too, but since I don't have too much time for gaming anymore, I just stick with the Xbox.

Tex LaFon:

And I like PlayStation. Just being honest, I like the controllers way better than the xbox I just xbox controller.

D Vaz:

I had to get used to it first, that's.

Tex LaFon:

That's just kind of how it was um I'm just saying the, the ps5 controller compared to the xbox controller is night and day difference because, uh, what they've done with the ps5 controller is amazing. If you ever get to you know, play a ps5, you'll see what I'm talking about. It's just a nine day difference compared to the, even the xbox x controller yeah, that's what I was gonna say.

D Vaz:

I think maybe at the most I've played a ps5, you know, at the store or whatever for about two minutes at the very most. So yeah, I haven't really had a chance to check it out. Like I said, I'd be open to having both, but just don't have the time.

Tex LaFon:

Same here, of course, having kids.

D Vaz:

There's other stuff you can buy.

Tex LaFon:

Exactly. Well, yeah, exactly.

D Vaz:

All right. So you know, from that point on, do you have a favorite gaming character or anything like that, or honorable mentions too?

Tex LaFon:

well, yeah, my favorite gaming character would be probably from the um god of war series kratos.

Tex LaFon:

Uh, like I said, that's a sony uh game for just the playstation, but, uh, ever since I've been playing and god of war, uh, that character is just amazing and the story behind him and the origin story it's just uh, you know the character that you know. You either like or you don't like, but I just thought it's a very, very cool character that was made. And then, um, also honorable mentions I would have to go with, like you said, I know he's more of a movie character than he is a video game character, but Friday the 13th, when that game came out on the PS4, was legit. When you got to play as Jason and go around terrorizing everybody, it was legit, it was like the old school movie. And then also I would say Mortal Kombat. You know I had to go with Scorpion, but honorable mention with all the new ones that came out Terminator, I go with Alien character, and then Freddy Gugger on Mortal Kombat. So yeah, they were probably my favorite characters all right.

D Vaz:

No, it's a solid lineup and we found out on the second podcast you like terrorized teenagers in at least video game form well, hey, you gotta escape it's.

Tex LaFon:

It's fun.

D Vaz:

Like I said, you play friday 13, so you know what I'm talking about yeah, yeah, for for those that haven't played or aren't really familiar with the, the movies. Basically, uh, you're in a, a campground, wooded type area and you have to try to escape from jason, who's this crazy monster, killer, villain, and uh, yeah, he can set traps for you and things like that. So it's it's. It's. It's pretty fun in the sense that you're trying to figure out ways to escape and he's trying to just figure out ways to kill you and that's pretty much all he cares about.

Tex LaFon:

Yeah, that's why I'm wearing my Camp Crystal Lake t-shirt. Son.

D Vaz:

Nice. So for me, probably going way back to the Street Fighter days, uh, ryu, the funny thing about that. When I first started playing street fighter though uh, street fighter 2, I should say I used to play blanca mostly, just I don't know.

D Vaz:

That's the first character, that kind of I kind of liked and all that. But as I got older and they did more with the Street Fighter characters and things like that, yeah, ryu was the one I started using more. I thought he had a little bit more of an interesting story, even though he's a little whiny sometimes.

D Vaz:

True true, pretty good character. But yeah, honorable mentions, like you mentioned too, scorpion and Sub-Zero too. I like both of them especially, kind of the same thing. Their, their story is kind of fun, um, as far as interesting. And then megaman I just I really liked uh, the megaman games and getting all the different abilities and stuff like that, well before uh, kirby or anything like that. So it was was just kind of fun having those different things.

Tex LaFon:

Right right.

D Vaz:

What would you say are some of the differences or maybe the biggest difference between gaming back in the day and gaming now?

Tex LaFon:

One big difference from back then and now is when you wanted to actually play video games with someone else, you would actually have to go to their house to play, because there was no online capability back then, so you actually had to go to your friend's house to play multiplayer games. Now you can just turn on the internet and play with whoever's playing online, and that's the big difference. You actually had to drive to your friend's house and actually, you know, hang out over there all day just to play games, compared to now where you can just stay home and play all day online. That's the biggest difference I see now. Besides, you know graphic upgrades and you know stuff like that, but I'm just that's the biggest difference I see is like, back then, you know the most you could play at one time is just two people. You know you versus your friend. Now you can play you know you versus 160 people online at one time.

D Vaz:

So that's the biggest difference I see from from now and then yeah, I, I do have a love-hate relationship with that too, because, having kids and everything, we all can play one game at the same time. That's pretty fun and it gets crazier. Everybody gets loud and excited about the game. But the other thing that's kind of weird to me now, especially if I go play Nintendo Switch with the kids and we play the older games, the older games where you would actually lose, you know, I mean, or you know you had to, uh, start over from the beginning because you, you ran out of lives or whatever the case is now. It's like you can't really fail video games you have to.

D Vaz:

You just keep playing and I and I get it. But it's just kind of weird when I uh noticed that and looked at it, because I was playing some of the older games and my kids would get frustrated because, like you know, oh you know restarted, or I don't want to play this because this is like too tough or too crazy, and it's like, oh yeah, that's, it wasn't how it was, but you know, back then we would just spend time to keep playing it and try to get better at it. Kids don't have the patience for that anymore. They're just like, eh, go play another game now.

Tex LaFon:

Yeah, they get really frustrated and then they just want to quit If they die a lot. Now, I mean, that's just how it is. I agree with you. It's like they have ultimate lives or they can save at any point. Back in the day you couldn't save. Like you said, if you died you started all the way back over. And that was very frustrating, especially when, like old school NES game, friday the 13th, you died in that game. You started all the way back over. And then that's when you wouldn't want to play no more because you're like I ain't going to redo all this again.

D Vaz:

But then you would, because then you're looking forward so well, that's, I was gonna say, that's. That's the other thing too. I mean, now you can just jump into different games, especially if you have a subscription. You can bounce around back in the day. You know you either had to, you know that's the other thing. You bought the game. You were stuck with that game.

D Vaz:

You know your parents weren't about to hear you say oh, I don't want to play that. They're like I just spent money on that game. You know you wanted it, you're gonna play it. So you had to play some, some games you didn't really want. Or if later on, when there was rentals for games, the same thing, you know you would rent one, maybe, if you're lucky, a couple games, and if one of them was terrible and that was it, you were kind of stuck with it. You already, you already rented it. You couldn't just play something else right, right yeah so that's another big difference.

D Vaz:

They just don't know how, how good they have it with all the being able to jump around different games and and just you know, being like you said, save multiple points and and not have to start over from the beginning.

Tex LaFon:

Yeah, and like you said, like you know you pay for Xbox, you know subscription and you get all them games that you can just play, that Cause they're all included with the subscription. So it's like, like you said, it ain't like it was back in the day you get one game, probably once every six months. If you're lucky, you get a new game. It wasn't like you can just get a new game whenever it came on the Xbox subscription. Boom, there you go.

D Vaz:

Yeah, that's the big difference. Yeah, plus, you had to actually go to the store.

Tex LaFon:

Exactly. Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

D Vaz:

Yeah, it was way different having access to games. So that's, yeah, where people are definitely lucky now just being able to play just about any game you want at any time yep um, so what? What type of types of games do you like? What do you usually play?

Tex LaFon:

well, I like to play mostly like horror, suspense, you know, like um scary games yeah, wait.

D Vaz:

Like horrors and suspense no, poor.

Tex LaFon:

And then like, uh, and then um, like fighting games. I not, I like call of duty, but mostly zombies, not multiplayer shooting games, because, you know, nowadays, as you get older, your reflexes slow down and you get destroyed, like, so mostly I just like to play um, just shooting, like, mostly fighting games. And, um, you know, sports games every now and then. But the the problem with the games now is like they want you to pay for all them, uh, uh, loot boxes, which is so annoying so, like you know. So it's hard to even play a game now without having to pay for all this extra stuff, just to even play the game. But that's what I mostly like to play. What about you?

D Vaz:

yeah, I um, same types of games enjoy. Like, I do like to play a lot of different types of games. Sometimes I'll even play kind of puzzle games where you have to figure out how things work and you know in, like they stick you in a room and you have to figure out how to get the door unlocked. You know, sometimes I'll do stuff like that. But yeah, usually first person shooters, uh, sports games, um, adventure games, and then just your kind of your standard again, especially with the kids, fighting games like, uh, smash brothers and and then that type of stuff where you know your character versus the other ones, um, but yeah, I I do like to switch it up.

D Vaz:

If there's something that's unique I haven't seen a game like it before I'll probably try it out. There's a game that my my son found on on accident and he didn't really know what it was about and it's definitely not really for kids. Uh, that I ended up playing. It's called carry on. It's. It's weird because it's a really low, low bit graphic uh game, but it's uh kind of like a um the thing in in a sense. You know, you're kind of like a monster form thing that uh goes around you can take over people's bodies and attack them and stuff like that, the movie, the thing, it's kind of like that, but the you're talking about the movie the thing, it's kind of like that, but the game's called Carry On.

D Vaz:

It's not based on the thing.

Tex LaFon:

But when you said it's like the thing, I don't know if everybody understands you're talking about the movie, the thing.

D Vaz:

Yeah, sorry, yeah, the movie with Kurt Russell way back in the day, the one I like.

Tex LaFon:

Yeah, same here.

D Vaz:

Yeah, the one back in like 1984 I think yeah sorry we're old and sometimes we forget that people don't remember.

Tex LaFon:

Yeah, some of the old stuff we were saying I was just trying to make sure that they might want to know what you're talking about?

D Vaz:

no, you're definitely right. There's sure a lot of people are like what? What. Thing yeah, exactly so, uh, yeah, it's, it was kind of like that. So, um, that that's, uh, another game that's a little unique, it's a little different from other stuff I played, but I liked it nice, nice oh then I, I had the um also.

D Vaz:

What was the other civilization? So I do like some of those and like red alert, some of those little ner, red alert, some of those little nerdy. I've done my share of like diablo back in the day. So some computer gaming, uh, not so much, just uh. Now it's more console stuff, but yeah back in the day I did did some computer gaming too I've always been console, never computers.

Tex LaFon:

I just don't like the keyboard and mouse. I'm not a fan of that, like I know. Some people are good at that, but not me.

D Vaz:

I'm all about just console all day, every day, son it's just hard sometimes with on the computer side, because you know having to do upgrades on a regular basis and all that. So that's one of the main reasons I stopped doing it, as like, uh, I don't want to have to keep upgrading my, my system on a regular basis. You know cause I? I will want to play the the newer, more graphics, intensive games.

Tex LaFon:

Well, yeah, and then your laptop is, or your gaming computer is already out of date in four months.

D Vaz:

Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

Tex LaFon:

It's. That's what's so funny about it. That's why I stay with consoles. And again I got you and I don't like the keyboard or mouse, son, all right, just being honest, man, like some people, well, I'm telling you, some people will agree, they don't. They're either keyboard and mouse or they're, you know, just a console.

D Vaz:

It's one or the other dude, because I'm telling you, uh, I'm controller all day, no keyboard and mouse yeah, no, I, I definitely understand that I, because even um nintendo switch having their kind of weird controllers that they have, I don't know I have a real love hate relationship with those two, especially certain games they like try to make you use those. Yeah, it's like I'm not really trying to learn how to use a different type of controller no, I agree, I agree with you 100 all right.

D Vaz:

So, um, what is an old school game or a few old school games that you wish would come back, you know, back in back in the day that just isn't around for anymore anymore for any reason well, first one is contra.

Tex LaFon:

I wish that game would come back and I wish uh they would uh remake it and, um, come bring it back on to the nintendo or the any system, to be honest, but I know it's mostly from nintendo from back in the day, but contra would be dope. I'd also like to see mike tyson's punch out redone and come back out, because that game was legit back in the day. And then, uh, megaman. Like they haven't made a new megaman game in so long, it would be dope if they uh finally made a new megaman game yeah, I think that would.

D Vaz:

That would be fun. One one game, uh, that I really liked way back in the day and I replayed it and it's pretty, pretty terrible. But if they did a new version of altered beast, you know, I think that that could be interesting because I thought the story wasn't bad, it was all right and kind of the idea behind. You know who wouldn't want to play as, like, a werewolf or something like that?

D Vaz:

Right, so I think the story was all right, but yeah, it's a pretty bad game now that I play it. So if they did a new version I think that would be fun. I definitely agree about Mega man 2. They're due for something on that front, but I don't know. I sort of wish they tried a few years back. But if they revived NBA Live a new, better version of that, because back in the day, it was pretty fun.

Tex LaFon:

You're talking about in the 90s it was fun and then, um, it crashed and like, once 2k came out, uh, they couldn't compete with 2k anymore yeah, no, 2k definitely took over, uh, but that's the thing it's like.

D Vaz:

It's just nice to see some competition, you know. That way you don't have to just go with that. It's the same thing. On the football side of things Sorry, american football, for those of you not from around here American football there's Madden football games and they have exclusive rights at EA to do those games, so they don't have any competition. So it's just kind of the same thing every year is what it feels like, and at least there at least, if there was a different company making it, you'd have an option for a different type of game, but still playing basketball or football well, I mean, the one game that I did like, that I had a little bit of competition with it, was back in like 2003, I think, or 2004 NFL blitz.

Tex LaFon:

That was a fun game. I wish they would remake that or, you know like, bring that back with the new graphics and everything, cause it was cool. I really did like that way better than Madden.

D Vaz:

Yeah, those those types of arcades are pretty, pretty fun, because they had the NHL hits, I think. And then, of course, nba Jam is that type of cartoonish arcade type of game.

Tex LaFon:

He's on fire.

D Vaz:

That's the other thing too. You just reminded me also baseball games back in the day. I mean, they're so basic back then and they're they're way more complex now but those, those are those used to be pretty fun it was. It was kind of a mixed, mixed bag because, yeah, they were easier but at the same time I don't know, it just seemed different, because back then, hitting a home run and everything with the cheesy graphics, you know if you play like RBI or anything like that.

Tex LaFon:

Oh yeah, it was real cheesy back then.

D Vaz:

Yeah, yeah. So I mean, I haven't probably tried to play a baseball game in probably about 10 years at least, but I just remember trying to swing. I was like man, there's so many mechanics now, so many options, just to swing.

Tex LaFon:


D Vaz:

It's kind of crazy.

Tex LaFon:

Well, remember when you're trying to play a baseball game on the Wii you had to just yeah, or if you had to try to do boxing on the Wii. That was funny yeah.

D Vaz:

That'll wear you out.

Tex LaFon:

True, that was fun.

D Vaz:

Yeah, so that's what I was talking about earlier. Nintendo they're good at coming up with accessories and unique things and all that. It's just I don't know. If they were a little bit better with their graphics and their technology, they'd be able to do a lot more, and I think they would appeal to not just kids as much true, true.

D Vaz:

I mean, there's definitely adults that love Nintendo and that's good and that's fine and like. Like I said, I have fun playing with my kids on the switch, but if you know, I only got one console, which most people only have one at a time. Uh, I would, I wouldn't go to switch smash brothers honestly is the number one reason why I bought um bought that the switch, because I really like smash brothers and I figured my kids would and fortunately I was right.

Tex LaFon:

But uh, yeah, it's playstation 5 all day, what's?

D Vaz:

that it's 5 all day son ps5 all day um, I'm okay with either, but I'm okay with staying with the Xbox for now too. What about newer games? Any certain newer games you're into?

Tex LaFon:

Well, the last game that I just started playing was Helldivers 2., and that game is pretty dope because we have to save all humanity. Okay, son, that's funny.

D Vaz:

You have a choice or no, no no, that's the that, because it's funny.

Tex LaFon:

The intro starts off like have you ever seen any starship troopers?

D Vaz:

it's been a while, yeah, yeah, I've seen, yeah so it's.

Tex LaFon:

It reminds me of that movie playing hell divers too, and it was funny Cause, uh, my friends they were, uh, uh, my coworkers at work they're all like we need your help to save all humanity. I'm like, well, obviously you don't need my help. That bad, I haven't played in like two months.

D Vaz:

But it was funny though, cause they they try pitching it to me all the time, like get out of here. It's just funny. I would be like how much of humanity is left to save now if I haven't played in two months.

Tex LaFon:

Yeah, exactly that's why I was asking. I was like well, has the world been taken over yet? They're like no, well then you don't need my help, just right, you're doing all right, exactly, I was like y'all can handle it. It's funny, but that's the newest game I started playing was a hill divers 2.

D Vaz:

It's pretty fun, yeah I really I haven't really played anything new. I think most of my gaming now involves keeping the kids entertained. So I mean, I'd done some of the call of duty typical stuff over the last few years, but I haven't really played any of that. There's don't starve together is another game that was kind of fun. Um, overcooked yeah, again, mostly multiplayer games for me now, especially stuff I do with the kids.

D Vaz:

But, um, then smash brothers, that you know, I have to keep going back to that because that's the number one game that my kids are playing. So I, I still have fun with that. I've liked that since the original version. Um, but yeah, those kind of the the main games. Other than that I I don't really play anything that's for me in that sense. But uh, as long as it's a multiplayer then then I'll probably end up playing it I mean, the last thing that I played before the Helldiver 2, was mostly zombies.

Tex LaFon:

you know, like when me and you would play, and you know, what got me done with Call of Duty is how you can't bring your characters over to the new game. Like you spend all that money on characters that you buy and then, just because they come out of the new game, you can't bring the characters over.

D Vaz:

So I like that frustrates me, so that's why I stopped playing call of duty yeah, and you kind of bring up, uh, something else, and we we mentioned it earlier with, like loot boxes, but that that is another big change in gaming. Back in the day, when you bought the game, you had the game and yeah but now you know it's.

D Vaz:

It's great that there's additional content, but at the same time it's like it's never ending. And I get it from a business perspective, but it's just I don't know. It feels like you're not really getting your full money's worth in that sense.

Tex LaFon:


D Vaz:

Especially, you can't really buy just the base game anymore and enjoy it so much. You know they they try to make it to where you need those add-ons. You know, or it's either you play a million hours on the game to unlock stuff and and make your character upgrade to where they're decent, or, hey, spend another 20, we'll give you this stuff included.

Tex LaFon:

Yeah, which is like yeah, and that's what's so unfair about it, because you're playing against people that already have spent the money and so they're already way higher ranked than you are, and so you're just getting demolished when you're playing.

D Vaz:

Yeah, well, it's funny because you mentioned also about reflexes as we go on. I think a bigger part of it is the fact that we don't have the time to spend on the games, like, like the kids, so they know all the tricks but they're just so used to playing it, you know, for however long, you know every day, or whatever the case may be. However, however often they play and, yeah, we, we get to play once a week, maybe for a few hours, you know, just with the schedule and all that, it's like oh yeah, how do I play this again? Oh yeah, now I remember how to play. I just died five times exactly, exactly, all right.

Tex LaFon:

That's why you get frustrated. You're like I'm done with this game and then you just whatever, yeah, yeah so it's.

D Vaz:

It's not as much fun when you're just trying to figure it out, and by the time you figure it out you know you have all those issues. So yeah, I definitely get that. Um, what is a, a video game that you wish was made into a movie that hasn't been made into a movie that hasn't?

Tex LaFon:

been made into a movie yet. Well, that is a great question. What game do I wish was made into a movie?

D Vaz:

I would probably have to say, oh okay, let's go with Mega man, okay, I think that that would be pretty, pretty interesting, especially, especially seeing all the different uh abilities and all that is that you know would you want it live action or more cartoonish, or what?

Tex LaFon:

I would want. Uh, basically, I would want like a tv series that you know, like with it instead of like a movie. I want a TV series with it instead of a movie. I think a TV series, live-action TV series would be pretty good for it, because then you wouldn't have to rush the whole development of the character and everything, and that's what I would like to see. Compared to a movie you know how a movie they try rushing it and you only got so much time and then that's it. So I think a live action tv series would be good I.

D Vaz:

I would like to see uh link in zelda. I think that would be pretty good like an adventure type of thing.

Tex LaFon:

You know I agree.

D Vaz:

Yeah, because I I think there's a lot of different stuff they can. They can it. Yeah, I like it. Live action also, yeah, tv show version would be great. But if they did like a three trilogy, you know, trilogy of movie, series of it, I think that would be good too.

Tex LaFon:

Sure sure.

D Vaz:

All right. What about on the flip side of things? What games do you not like to play, or what are games that you really didn't like when you played them?

Tex LaFon:

well, uh, most of the games that I don't like to play is like uh, diablo, don't like that game. Diablo, don't like that game, don't like Wizardry type games or anything like that. I just mostly like just, yeah, that's the games I really don't like to play. More like strategy games Don't like them. Yeah, I just don't like them.

Tex LaFon:

Aliens Fireteam Didn't like it. Yeah, I just don't like like aliens fire team didn't like it because more strategy like I, just more, just um, I just don't like strategy games, just being honest yeah, for for me, uh, yeah, back back in the day I used to like racing games and things like that.

D Vaz:

I don't know. Now I don't really like them so much. Mario Kart and things like that are fine because it's kind of cartoony. I like the type where you can kind of go off wherever and drive. That's all right with me. It's kind of go off wherever and drive, you know that. That that's all right with me. It's kind of fun. Like there's a like the lego ones and stuff like that you can kind of again still kind of cartoony, but the ones that are supposed to be simulation, more realistic, I don't know, I just they're not as fun to me anymore.

D Vaz:

Probably the other thing too lack of a steering wheel right, I can agree with that yeah, like back in the day my dad had the the full steering wheel setup, uh, for the dreamcast and that was actually pretty fun too. But yeah, um, yeah, I, I don't know, that's probably about the only I don't know. Of course I wouldn't like some sports games like golf. That would be just boring to me. I remember trying to play it back in the day. It's like I don't even like watching golf myself just because growing up my grandmother and my aunt would watch it and I would be forced to watch it back then, because that's another thing that's really changed is know, you usually had one tv, maybe two tvs, in the house back in the day true now you get one in every room yeah, especially if you're at like a grandparent's house, though, then oh yeah yeah, they probably only have one tv.

D Vaz:

Oh, yeah but yeah, so you had to watch whatever they wanted to watch. That's just how it was back then and is either that or be bored, or go play outside or play in the other room. So golf is just something I'd never really took to, and especially trying to play golf games.

Tex LaFon:

I've tried a few times over the years and, yeah, no thanks yeah, I, like you said, I'm not big in the golf games either. But yeah, mostly I don't like strategy games. And you made a good point about the car games. Like they're not fun either anymore either. I agree with you on that too. They're not. They're not like they used to be.

D Vaz:

The last fun car game that I played was knee for speed pursuit and that was it yeah that was actually fun, but other than that, no yeah, and it's funny too, because you can um, customize stuff more than ever and all that, but again, like you said, it goes back to the pain. Yeah, you, you can customize it, but that's just so you can. You can pay for it. Oh, and I have to give an honorable mention too. I can't believe this game didn't come up but the, the gta series grand theft auto grand theft auto. Yeah, so yeah, yeah, back in GTA series. Grand Theft, auto Grand Theft.

D Vaz:

Auto, yeah, so yeah, Back in the day I used to play those. I haven't really played in a long time.

Tex LaFon:

Well, they're probably coming out with that new one next year or 2025, I think.

D Vaz:

That's the next year yeah, it's always next year for Grand Theft Auto 6.

Tex LaFon:

Well, at least you finally got a trailer for it.

D Vaz:

Right. Yeah, so yeah, that's that means they actually are working on it, that's one of those games where you just goof around with it. You know you're not I mean the story mode and the old ones. I don't. I haven't really played. I haven't played gta5 in a really long time. I have it, I got it, you know, around the time it came out, you know, which is a really long time ago now, and I, I think I maybe played halfway through the story mode. Uh, I didn't finish it.

D Vaz:

It wasn't bad, it's just, I don't know, wasn't too interested anymore so it's fun, one of those fun games where you can just mess around with it. But if I jumped in there now from the videos I've seen it I would have no idea what's going on it's like a cartoon now, true, but uh, are there any other games that we haven't mentioned that you like? Or because I'm surprised gta didn't come up? But yeah, grand, grand. I remember playing the original grand theft auto back in the day too well I never played.

Tex LaFon:

I didn't play gta very much, to be honest, so that's why, yeah, I'm not saying that I wouldn't play. I just never have played it that much. So I I know a lot of people say five is really good, I just never played it. So because, just like you said, I hardly have any time to play any games right.

D Vaz:

Um, yeah, there's another game, gigabash. I play on the switch. It's pretty fun, it's on, uh, multiple consoles too. But, uh, the thing I like about I don't know if you're familiar with it at all, but what it is it's basically a monster fighting game and it has godzilla in it godzilla is my favorite monster character of all time. So, uh, since it has that in there, I usually get godzilla or the mecha robot godzilla, and then, you know, terrorize my kids with that. So that's pretty fun yeah, I think that's.

D Vaz:

I'm sure afterwards I'm gonna be like oh yeah, there's another game that I used to play a lot. But I mean, I used to play, like I said, the live series a lot, the Madden series back in the day Street Fighter. I used to play, like I said, the live series a lot, the Madden series back in the day, street Fighter of course, and Mortal Kombat.

Tex LaFon:

Another game that's really good is Devil May Cry.

D Vaz:

Yeah, I remember playing the original one.

Tex LaFon:

I played the first two.

D Vaz:

I think I played the first two. I don't think I played after that. Yeah, that was good. Oh, Resident Evil was pretty good too.

Tex LaFon:

Yeah, you can't leave out Resident Evil. That's always been a good series.

D Vaz:

That was the first kind of creepy game. I can remember when the first one came out, because I remember a friend of mine told me they're like yeah, because of course back then the graphics were like wow.

Tex LaFon:

Yeah, on the original PlayStation, but my friend's like man.

D Vaz:

What's that? On the original playstation yeah, yeah, because my friend was like man, I can't play this game in the dark. And I was like what? And then I, you know, he showed me. I was like, oh yeah, it's pretty, pretty creepy for back then sure, that's, that's the other thing.

D Vaz:

I mean, you have to remember how much graphics and everything technology has changed over the years. So the way that uh games are, you know, we react to the games now and what we expect it's it's way different from when we had a lot of the stuff we've seen for the first time, because I remember mortal combat.

Tex LaFon:

The fact that it had blood was a huge deal oh yeah, you know, and um and then you can do the fire.

D Vaz:

You remember that before that even.

Tex LaFon:

I'm just saying like, especially when you could do them finishing moves and no one had ever seen that. When you're ripping out people's spines, you know, back in like early nineties, you're like, whoa, this is crazy, or you know you rip the mask off and you burn them and they go to bones, yeah, like so.

D Vaz:

Yeah, yeah, that was, that was new and different, for sure. And then I I remember even before that some people were kind of weird about, uh, arch rivals basketball.

D Vaz:

I don't know if you remember that, but it's a basketball game you can like punch each other yeah yeah, that was actually, uh, something that was available on nintendo switch, so I, I, I pull, I pulled it up just out of curiosity. I tried to play it and my kids weren't having it. They're like what is this? So they're all about Kirby. If they had a favorite video game character right now, I'd Pac-Man and Kirby.

D Vaz:

Those are probably the two that they would go with, which is funny, because I definitely remember playing Pac-Man back in the day my son. He actually got into Pac-Man because of YouTube videos that he saw, though Before he even played the game he saw Pac-Man on YouTube.

Tex LaFon:

Yeah, and that's what. That's the way a lot of people now see games before they play them from the YouTube.

D Vaz:

Yeah, that's how he found out about Mario and Sonic and all that well before he played any of the games.

Tex LaFon:

Right, right you know.

D Vaz:

So that's another thing too. When I have my Genesis having Sonic, that was the first game that I had on that.

Tex LaFon:

Yeah, you got to get the rings.

D Vaz:

Right, Talk about the rings. So yeah, it's been a lot of changes, good and bad, but I don't know. I'm curious about the next generation consoles, what's going to come out? And I haven't even looked at VR stuff yet, you know, virtual reality.

Tex LaFon:

I mean, I have an Arculus Rift like got it for my son and it's pretty trippy because I played Resident Evil on it and it scared the hell out of me. Man, I'm just being honest, like it was, it was intense, like I was impressed with like how intense it was, it was crazy, it was.

D Vaz:

Yeah, it was intense so yeah, I, um, I don't know I my biggest concern because I haven't really tried out anything like that too much. I have motion sickness.

Tex LaFon:

Oh yeah.

D Vaz:

So yeah, with the motion sickness, I don't know if I'd be able to play. Or if I do play, it would be like 10 minutes or what. Right, right, yeah, I think that pretty much, at least for now, covers kind of some of the the gaming, what, what we do and what we've seen and all that stuff over the years. Anything else, uh, you want to add to that?

Tex LaFon:

yeah, I just want to say I'm all about playstation 5, thank you I think we I think we've taken that away from this conversation uh, one thing is definitive there yes, yeah, no, xbox for me, okay. Playstation, thank you. And no, I'm not sponsored by playstation okay right, that was, that was the next question. But yeah, so is that. It is that a wrap, son? And, as always, go Cowboys suck it, cowboys, alright that's all for now.

Tex LaFon:

If you want some more, you gotta buy yourself a ticket. Buy it. Buy it from hoods to backwoods podcast. Thanks for listening. We're out.

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